Grade 3 Social Studies

  • Social Studies and History Grade 3                          




    Research & Historical Thinking

    • Describe how significant people, events, and developments have shaped their own community.
    • Use information obtained through observation and books to identify problems that suggest solutions and make decisions.
    • Identify an issue and provide several reasons to support a position, organize information into sequenced presentations that include a beginning, middle, and end.
    • Generate questions and research historical figures to learn about the past.
    • Locate specific information in primary and secondary sources, dictionaries, atlases, and encyclopedias.
    • Use technology and resources independently to locate and access information.
    • Use the computer to access information and as a writing tool.
    • Obtain information through print and non-print materials. (Artifacts, pictures, photographs, filmstrips and videos.
    • Use a timeline to display and sequence specific time periods in New Haven and Connecticut history.


    Civics and Government

    • Explain what it means to be citizens of their community, state, and nation.
    • Identify characteristics of a good citizen living in the community.
    • Identify the functions and the major positions of authority in the community and describe the services provided by local government.
    • Use a variety of resources to gather information about the government in their community and other communities around the world.
    • Demonstrate understanding of democratic principles and practices.
    • Explain how rights and responsibilities have changed over time.



    • Use terminology to identify and describe a variety of land and water forms (e.g., oceans, rivers, lakes, islands).
    • Explain that latitude and longitude are used to locate places on maps and globes, and understand
      Earth/sun relationships.
    • Identify the distinctive physical and cultural features of New Haven as compared to another community.
    • Explore history of select landmarks and geographical features that are named after Indigenous peoples of Connecticut.
    • Explain the geographic relationships of New Haven with the state, nation, and world.
    • Construct a model or a map of an ideal community.



    • Explain how people in their community make choices
    • Describe the functions of banks in the community. 
    • Compare ways of earning a living in urban and rural communities.
    • Compare ways of earning a living now and at other times throughout history. 
    • List ways taxes are used to support both your community and state. 
    • Define and apply economic terms such as costs, specialization and division of labor, barter, currency & trade, limited and unlimited resources. 



    • Examine the contributions of people from various cultures to the development of New Haven, such as but not limited to black Americans and Indigenous peoples.
    • Compare the characteristics of life in New Haven with various times in the past. 
    • Clarify the roles of children and adults in communities that differ from their own in time and place. 
    • Distinguish similarities and differences among children and families of different cultures living in New Haven and other communities studied. 


    How You Can Help Your Child

    • Foster a positive attitude towards the subject matter and explore ways to engage your child in learning about social studies.
    • Show an interest in what they are learning in school, discuss concepts with them and give them examples of social studies from their daily lives that they can relate to.
    • Strengthen your child's willingness to express their opinion and positively contribute to classroom discussion by sharing stories about their family heritage instilling pride and confidence in who they are.
    • Visit local and national museums (whenever possible) during weekends and school breaks to uncover the history of different cultures.
    • Social Studies is a subject that requires lots of reading, therefore it is important to provide your child with access to rich, relevant and engaging subject matter.
    • Visit your local library and make sure that you and your child each have a library card. This allows growth in content knowledge but also helps support reading comprehension skills.