Social Studies and History Kindergarten

  • Social Studies and History Kindergarten                   




    Research & Historical Thinking

    • Use a calendar to determine day of the week, month and year.
    • Place events in correct order on a timeline.
    • Identify different types of primary sources.
    • Observe situations in pictures and within the classroom and identify problems to be solved. (e.g. sharing, materials, taking turns, conflict management) 
    • Obtain information through non print materials (pictures, photographs, and family memorabilia.
    • Gather information to help answer questions. 


    Civics & Government

    • Vote on classroom issues and verbalize a reason for a voting preference.
    • List services in the community that are helpful to themselves and their family.
    • Recognize the American flag located in the classroom.
    • Identify National holidays and recognize these on the calendar.
    • Identify the meaning of patriotic ceremonies (e.g., raising the flag, pledge of allegiance)



    • Participate in the construction of simple maps and models representing the classroom, school, and community. 
    • Identify their street, address, phone number and zip code. 
    • Use a globe to point out land and water .
    • Describe life on a farm and life in the city .
    • Identify uses for land and water .
    • Describe different types of transportation .
    • Categorize different areas of the home and classroom where various activities take place.



    • Distinguish between needs and wants within the classroom and home.
    • Identify resources used at school and at home.
    • Explain division of labor and types of work found in school community.
    • Explore why resources may become scarce.


    Diversity & Global Perspective

    • Identify generations within the family.
    • Describe various roles within the family.
    • Distinguish differences and similarities among individuals and families.
    • Recognize that the actions of individuals make a difference, and relate the stories of people from diverse backgrounds who have contributed to the heritage of the United States.


    How You Can Help Your Child

    • Foster a positive attitude towards the subject matter and explore ways to engage your child in learning about social studies.
    • Show an interest in what they are learning in school, discuss concepts with them and give them examples of social studies from their daily lives that they can relate to.
    • Build your child's self-esteem by sharing stories about their family heritage instilling pride and confidence in who they are.
    • Visit local and national museums (whenever possible) during weekends and school breaks to uncover the history of different cultures.
    • Social Studies is a subject that requires lots of reading, therefore it is important to read to and provide your child with access to rich, relevant and engaging subject matter.