Pre-School Math


    NHPS Preschool Mathematics

    Scope & Sequence

    Quarter/Unit Title Significant Tasks Learning Outcomes: State Performance Standards Learning Outcomes: Creative Curriculum Content Supporting Materials
    Quarter 1 

    Unit 1:

    Autumn…Back to School…Getting to Know Each Other

    Calendar Activities

    Math Activity Time Activities:

    What Do You See?

    I Spy with My Little Eye

    Balancing Act

    I Want to Know

    The Queen’s New Bed

    Counting Calisthenics

    When I Was Little

    Dinner Time

    My Little Sister

    Learning about Numerals

    Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Functions:
    • Sort and classify objects by a single attribute ( size, shape, color, texture, orientation and position) and describe the reason for the action
    • Recognize, copy, extend and create simple auditory and physical patterns using a variety of materials in different contexts

    Numerical and Proportional Reasoning:

    • Count and identify the number of objects in a set

    Geometry and Measurement:

    • Identify and sort simple shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, and circle and solids such as cube, cylinder, sphere, and prism
    • Uses positional language – e.g. under, over, inside, next, near, in front – to describe position and order
    • Describe time periods or a sequence of events using terms such as morning, afternoon and night or yesterday, today and tomorrow
    • Sort, estimate and order by length or area using comparative language such as more, longer, shorter, taller or bigger to describe relationships

    Working with Data:

    • Make comparisons from information displayed in real graphs
    22. Observes objects and events with curiosity

    27.  Classifies Objects

    28.  Compares/measures

    30.  Recognizes patterns and can repeat them

    31.  Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence

    32.  Shows awareness of position in space

    33. Uses one-to-one correspondence

    34.  Uses numbering and counting 

    Math Curriculum Materials includingSaxon Pre-K Math: an Incremental Development (1998), 

    Mathematics: The Creative Curriculum Approach (2007) and corresponding math kits

    Quarter 2 

    Unit 2: Harvest…Winter…


    Unit 3:


    Calendar Time

    Math Activity Time:

    Unit 2:

    People Patterns

    My Shadow and I

    Let’s Go Fishing

    Straw Shapes

    I’m Thinking of a Shape

    More or Fewer Towers

    Secret Numbers

    Unit 3:

    Cube Trains

    Picture Patterns

    The Farmer Builds a Fence

    Oh, Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

    Nursery Rhyme Count

    I Want to Know

    Patterns Under Cover

    Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Functions:
    • Sort and classify objects by a single attribute ( size, shape, color, texture, orientation and position) and describe the reason for the action
    • Recognize, copy, extend and create simple auditory and physical patterns using a variety of materials in different contexts

    Numerical and Proportional Reasoning:

    • Count and identify the number of objects in a set

    Geometry and Measurement:

    • Identify and sort simple shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, and circle and solids such as cube, cylinder, sphere, and prism
    • Uses positional language – e.g. under, over, inside, next, near, in front – to describe position and order

    Working with Data:

    • Make comparisons from information displayed in real graphs
    22. Observes objects and events with curiosity

    23.  Approaches problems flexibly

    28.  Compares/measures

    29.  Arranges objects in a series

    30.  Recognizes patterns and can repeat them

    31.  Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence

    32.  Shows awareness of position in space

    33. Uses one-to-one correspondence

    34.  Uses numbering and counting 

    Math Curriculum Materials includingSaxon Pre-K Math: an Incremental Development (1998), 

    Mathematics: The Creative Curriculum Approach (2007) and corresponding math kits

    Quarter 3 

    Complete Unit 3:


    Unit 4: Rainbows…Spring 

    Calendar Time

    Math Activity Time:

    Unit: 4

    Morning, Noon and Night

    Wash Day

    Cover Up

    Show Me Five

    The Bear Went Over the Mountain

    Where’s the Bean Bag?

    Shake, Rattle, and Roll

    Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Functions:
    • Sort and classify objects by a single attribute ( size, shape, color, texture, orientation and position) and describe the reason for the action
    • Recognize, copy, extend and create simple auditory and physical patterns using a variety of materials in different contexts

    Numerical and Proportional Reasoning:

    • Count and identify the number of objects in a set

    Geometry and Measurement:

    • Identify and sort simple shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, and circle and solids such as cube, cylinder, sphere, and prism
    • Uses positional language – e.g. under, over, inside, next, near, in front – to describe position and order
    • Complete simple shape and jigsaw puzzles
    • Describe time periods or a sequence of events using terms such as morning, afternoon and night or yesterday, today and tomorrow
    • Sort, estimate and order by length or area using comparative language such as more, longer, shorter, taller or bigger to describe relationships

    Working with Data:

    • Make comparisons from information displayed in real graphs
    22. Observes objects and events with curiosity

    27.  Classifies Objects

    28.  Compares/measures

    29.  Arranges objects in a series

    30.  Recognizes patterns and can repeat them

    31.  Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence

    32. Shows awareness of position in space

    33. Uses one-to-one correspondence

    34.  Uses numbering and counting 

    Math Curriculum Materials includingSaxon Pre-K Math: an Incremental Development (1998), 

    Mathematics: The Creative Curriculum Approach (2007) and corresponding math kits

    Quarter 4 

    Unit 5: Planting….Summer 

    Calendar Time

    Math Activity Time:

    Unit: 5

    Which Holds More?

    Action Patterns

    Merry Monkeys

    What Do You See?

    Shoe Sort

    I Want to Know

    *Unit 6:  
    I Want to Know

    Compare It

    * 12 month sites

    Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Functions:
    • Sort and classify objects by a single attribute ( size, shape, color, texture, orientation and position) and describe the reason for the action
    • Recognize, copy, extend and create simple auditory and physical patterns using a variety of materials in different contexts

    Numerical and Proportional Reasoning:

    • Count and identify the number of objects in a set

    Geometry and Measurement:

    • Identify and sort simple shapes such as square, rectangle, triangle, and circle and solids such as cube, cylinder, sphere, and prism
    • Complete simple shape and jigsaw puzzles
    • Describe time periods or a sequence of events using terms such as morning, afternoon and night or yesterday, today and tomorrow
    • Sort, estimate and order by length or area using comparative language such as more, longer, shorter, taller or bigger to describe relationships

    Working with Data:

    Make comparisons from information displayed in real graphs

    28.  Compares/measures

    30.  Recognizes patterns and can repeat them

    31.  Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence

    32.  Shows awareness of position in space

    33. Uses one-to-one correspondence

    34.  Uses numbering and counting 

    Math Curriculum Materials includingSaxon Pre-K Math: an Incremental Development (1998), 

    Mathematics: The Creative Curriculum Approach (2007) and corresponding math kits