Finance & Operations Action Items for 03/18/24 Meeting

  • Monday, March 18, 2024


    Virtual Meeting

    4:30 p.m.



    Chair: Mr. Matthew Wilcox



    1. Purchase Order under PEPPM 2022 with CDW Government for renewal of Adobe Creative Cloud subscription from March 7, 2024 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $12,500.00.
      Funding Source: 2023-2024 Capital Projects Acct. #3C22-2263-58704
      Presenter: Mr. Thomas Lamb
      Document Link: CDW_Adobe



    1. Every Child Art Experience Grant, in the amount of $2,500.00 to provide tickets to “Sanctuary City” at Hartford Theater Works for 30 New Haven Academy students, from February 1,2024 to June 30, 2024.
      Funding Source: CT State Office of the Arts
      Presenter: Mr. Greg Baldwin/Ms. Meredith Gavrin
      Document Link: ARTS
    2. Open Choice Program Grant in the amount of $317,875.00, reflecting CT State Department of Education awards of $3,000.00 per student for a total of 105 students from surrounding towns enrolled in non-Interdistrict Magnet Schools, Bishop Woods, Brennan-Rogers, Celentano, Roberto Clemente, Conte-West Hills, East Rock, F.A.M.E., John Martinez, Elm City Montessori, Barack H. Obama, and Wilbur Cross, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
      Funding Source: CT State Department of Education
      Presenter: Ms. Michele Bonanno
      Document Link: OpenChoice24



    1. “Be it resolved that it is in the best interest of the New Haven Board of Education to enter into contracts with the CT Department of Agriculture. In furtherance of this resolution, the President of the New Haven Board of Education is duly authorized to enter into and sign said contracts on behalf of the New Haven Board of Education. the President of the New Haven Board of Education is further authorized to provide such additional information and execute such other documents as may be required by the state or federal government in connection with said contracts and to execute any amendments, rescissions, and revisions thereto. The Secretary is authorized to impress the seal of the New Haven Board of Education on any such documents, amendment, rescission, or revision.”
      Presenter: Ms. Cari Strand/Ms. Patricia DeMaio



    1. Agreement with Caley Schwartz Psychological Service, LLC, to provide a student full program to support the development of core social deficits-functional life skills, self-care, functional use of language, and problem solving and, to provide a parent involvement and training component, from February 22, 2024 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $67,000.00.
      Funding Source: IDEA Program Acct. #2504-5034-56903-0490
      Presenter: Ms. Typhanie Jackson
      Document Link: Schwartz
    2. Amendment #1 to Agreement with Learn Regional Service Center, (LEARN), to add a funding source and account number, splitting the total funding of $122,000.00 as follows:
      Funding Source:
      School Improvement Grant, (SIG - Hillhouse) Program Acct #2531-6394-56694-0062 ($90,000.00)
      School Improvement Grant, (SIG-Hillhouse) C/O Program Acct. #2531-6426-56694-0062 ($32,000.00)
      Presenter: Ms. Kristina DeNegre
      Document Link: LEARN_Amend
    3. Agreement with Auntie Rose Child Day Care and Development Center, to provide a COLA increase for 46 School Readiness spaces, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $28,835.00.
      Funding Source: School Readiness Priority COLA Program Acct. #2523-6428-56697-0442
      Presenter: Ms. Vanessa Diaz-Valencia
      Document Link: AuntieRoseCOLA
    4. Agreement with The Little Schoolhouse, to provide a COLA increase for 18 School Readiness spaces, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $14,028.00.
      Funding Source: School Readiness Priority COLA Program Acct. #2523-6428-56697-0442
      Presenter: Ms. Vanessa Diaz-Valencia
      Document Link: SchoolhouseCOLA
    5. Agreement with Creative ME, to provide a COLA increase for 32 School Readiness spaces, from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $24,939.00.
      Funding Source: School Readiness Priority COLA Program Acct. #2523-6428-56697-0442
      Presenter: Ms. Vanessa Diaz-Valencia
      Document Link: CreativeMECOLA
    6. Agreement with Central CT Coast YMCA, to provide a COLA increase for 18 School Readiness spaces, from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $15,587.00.
      Funding Source: School Readiness Priority COLA Program Acct. #2523-6428-56697-0442
      Presenter: Ms. Vanessa Diaz-Valencia
      Document Link: YMCACOLA
    7. Amendment 1 to Agreement with Winston Strategic Partners LLC to change funding source from 190-40700-56694 to funding source 270-40700-56697, with no change in funding amount of $60,000.00.
      Funding Source: Interdistrict Funds Acct. #270-40700-56697
      Presenter: Mr. Marquelle Middleton
      Document Link: WinstonA1
    8. Agreement with MAJ Kiernan Shippee as an instructor of the JROTC Program at Hillhouse High School from February 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $44,467.40 (BOE Portion: $22,233.70)
      Funding Source: 2023-2024 Operating Budget Acct. #190-43362-50135
      Presenter: Mr. Antoine Billy
      Document Link: JROTC_KS
    9. Agreement with Crown Castle International Corp. to upgrade the Wide Area Network for New Haven Public Schools district to provide greater bandwidth and stability from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029, 2024-2025: $544,500.00 (ERATE: $54,450.00) 2025-2026: $544,500.00 (ERATE  rate: $54,450.00) 2026-2027: $544,500.00 (ERATE: $54,450.00) 2027-2028: $544,500.00 (ERATE: $54,450.00) 2028-2029: $544,500.00 (ERATE: $54,450.00) in an amount not to exceed $2,722,500.00. (Total amount after ERATE applied $272,250.00) ERATE applied at 90% This is a reimbursement grant.
      Funding Source: 2023-2024 Capital Projects Acct. #3C22-2263-58704
      Presenter: Mr. Thomas Lamb
      Document Link: CrownWAN24-29


    1. Award of Contract 21922 with Auto Parts & Services Inc. to provide on call vehicle maintenance services for NHPS fleet, from March 18, 2024 to June 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00.
      Funding Source: 2023-2024 Operating Budget Acct. #190-47400-56665
      Presenter: Mr. Jamar Alleyne
      Document Link: Auto24