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Martinez Students Partner with Local Non-Profits for Community Day

sax  coats

On World Kindness Day, Monday, November 13, John S. Martinez School students in every grade participated in JSM World Kindness Community Day. Each grade level had chosen a non-profit organization to give to.

The Community Day grew out of the trip for 40 students last spring to take part in the Success Leadership Program, hosted by the Aloha Foundation in Fairlee, Vermont. During the retreat, students were encouraged to partner with local non-profit organizations, based on their goals for the community.

Following are the outcomes of the Community Day, by grade:

Kindergarten students hosted Music Haven and made thank you notes for their donors. Older students who had participated in Music Haven played instruments for the kindergarteners. 

First-grade students collected 200 packets of seeds for Gather New Haven, a non-profit that shows families how to raise their own healthy fruits and vegetables. 

Students in the bilingual combined second and third grade held a book drive for New Haven Reads, collecting over 16 boxes of books and other reading materials. New Haven Reads volunteers came to read to the students. 

Third-grade students made friendship bracelets for Hole in The Wall Gang Camp, a non-profit that provides students with illnesses a place to have fun and make friends. 

Fourth-grade students worked on a script for a bilingual information newscast for Solar Youth, a nonprofit whose mission is to empower youth to achieve lifelong success. Solar Youth will meet with them to go over the talking points needed in the video. Students are also making poems to go on the Solar Youth website. 

Fifth-grade students made bilingual fliers for an upcoming event by Urban Community Alliance, a group that promotes physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being among families of color.

Sixth-graders developed a petition to help protect the school’s bio retention garden, built in collaboration with Save the Sound.

Seventh-grade students raised $405 to help veterans for Healing Hoofbeats of CT.  This non-profit provides veterans with equine and animal therapy through its Operation Warrior Horse program.

Eighth-graders collected over 20 boxes of coats and winter clothing for Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services. IRIS empowers refugees and immigrants to become self-sufficient and integrated into their new communities.

packing  video