5000 - Students - Table of Contents
5112 - Ages of Attendance
5113.2 - Truancy
5114 - Suspension, Expulsion, Exclusion, Removal
5117 - School District Lines
5118.1 - Homeless Students
5119 - Student Transfer
5123 - Promotion, Acceleration, Retention
5124 - Reporting to Parents
5125 - Student Records, Confidentiality
5125.11 - Health, Medical Records
5131 - Conduct
5131.1 - Bus Conduct
5131.2 - Assault
5131.5 - Vandalism
5131.6 - Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco
5131.7 - Weapons and Dangerous Instruments
5131.9 - Gang Activity or Association
5131.911 - Bullying
5134 - Married Pregnant Students
5141.12 - Search and Seizures
5141.123 - Search and Seizures Use of Metal Detectors
5141.21 - Administering Medications
5141.22 - Communicable Infectious Diseases
5141.23 - Prevention of Disease Transmission in School
5141.24 - Students with HIV, ARC, or AIDS
5141.25 - Food Allergy Policy
5141.25 - Accommodations, Students with Special Dietary Needs
5141.3 - Health Assessments and Immunization
5141.31 - Tuberculosis Screening
5141.4 - Child Abuse and Neglect
5141.5 - Suicide Prevention
5141.6 - Psychotropic Medication
5141.8 - Face Masks-Coverings
5144.2 - Use of Exclusionary Time Out Settings
5144.4 - Physical Exercise and Discipline of Students
5145.11 - Police in Schools
5145.14 - On-Campus Recruitment
5145.2 - Freedom of Speech Expression
5145.5 - Exploitation, Sexual Harassment
5145.511 - Exploitation; Sexual Harassment
5145.53 - Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth
5145.6 - Student Complaint, Grievance, and Petition
5145.71 - Surrogate Parent Program
5188 - The Enrollment and Handling Non-Resident School Age Students